Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Steven King Review

Steven King has been the most famous horror novelist since the 1970's. He has published paper back books, movies, video games, and TV shows. He kicked his carrer off with Carrie which was later turned into a movie. He was famous for his horror writing and shows, but he also ventured out to different fields when he wrote The Green Mile.Steven King is an amazing writer.

I can remember when the movie IT came out, at that time that was the scariest movie I had ever seen. As I got older, I watched just about every movie that came out that Steven King had written. I can remember my grandma reading all his books. She read those books until she just couldn't read anymore.

Steven King has been well known for many of his books and horror movies throughout the years. There are many books available today such as: The Gun Slinger Born, The Virtues of War,The Shining,and many many more, to purchase one of these books, click here.

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